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After School Registration

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Registration Fee Pay to Venmo $55

Impact Taekwondo After School
Now Enrolling 2024~2025 Before & After School


 The Impact Taekwondo & After School is proud to introduce this wonderful opportunity for your family to join our Taekwondo family through our After School Taekwondo. The moral education of children is being increasingly weakened by the violence and crime we hear and see on television, radio and the internet. Coupled with the busy lifestyles of working moms and dads, the children of our society need structure, respect, discipline as well as positive morals and principles to follow. In today’s world there are more chances that children will learn immoral, unethical, and violent behaviors because of the lack of advice on moral values as well as unsupervised activities.

“ Impact TKD kinder before&after school for our future values! ”
IntroducingKinder B4 & After School Program.

Our students will learn moral principles, etiquette, structure, the importance of teamwork, and self confidence.

Taekwondo is integrated into this program to exercise their whole body and mind. An instructional training in moral principles will enable kids to build on their self-control, make distinctions on right from wrong using their moral values and practice proper conduct. Along with Taekwondo training, we also teach something very important in children’s lives, fun!

By playing team games such as dodge ball and indoor soccer, children will make friends and have a good time being who they are. The Impact Taekwondo & After School is a program made for the children. Instead of having children stay home alone or waste time watching TV, the Impact  After School Taekwondo not only helps with homework but integrates Taekwondo,

exercise, and fun so the kids are not wasting time but enjoying life.

Clean facility

Air purifier,each,student’s cabinet, desk/chair,library,brand new mat,

microwave,computer/games, purified water etc.


First Aid Certified Staff

All CPR&AED First Aid Certified up to date.

[2024~2025 School year A+ After School Free pickup list ]

--We will provide free transportation from anywhere Loudoun County area--

* Impact TKD ASP Pick up Students below schools :

  • Emerick Elementary School

  • Kenneth W.Culbert Elementary School

  • Lincoln Elementary School

  • Hamilton Elementary School

  • Mountain View Elementary School

  • Round Hill Elementary School

  • Hillsboro Elementary School

  • Waterford Elementary School

  • Blue Ridge Middle School

  • Harmony Middle School

  • Good Shepherd School

  • Montessori School “Purcellville”

  • Bethany Pre-School

© 2018 by Impact TKD. 

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